day fourty nine.

For the very first time in 50 days, I forgot to post.  I spent the day at home with a cold yesterday, and by the time I woke up this morning, I realized that I had forgotten to post.  On the one hand, it’s like how could I forget, I sat at home all day.  On the other hand, well, you know that feeling when you’re sick and everything else just doesn’t really matter.  I decided since I only missed one day I would just pretend like yesterday didn’t even exist and keep up the instead of today being day 50, the halfway mark, I’m going to keep it at 49.  The OCD in me is a little bit excited about this, because day 50 will now fall on a new month instead of holding off at the end of October.

Anyway, I’m still not feeling too ears are ringing so bad that even the sound of my keyboard causes a headache, and I’m about ready to eat an entire bag of cough drops in one sitting.  But none of that matters, because I’m here to post the long awaited 49th post!  Yahoo!  Remember that couple I posted a few days ago?  I finally finished their engagement shoot, so I thought I’d share a few more with you!

Also, Happy Halloween! :)


day fourty eight.

I got to do a photo shoot of an old friend and her little one the other day.  He was so much fun to photograph because he was wayyy a typical boy.  All he wanted to do was play in the mud and ride his bike (which made for some really great shots) but I did get a few sweet ones of him and his mama before he decided to jump in the dirt. Carter’s cheesy smile just kills me every time.  So cute.


day fourty seven

Can’t believe this challenge is almost halfway over! It’s been a long day but hopefully I’ll be back to taking more quality pictures tomorrow or Tuesday! For now though, here’s a photo if the camp we stayed at this weekend..aside from the cold weather it couldn’t have been more beautiful there.
